Saturday, December 13, 2008

Piano Fall 2008

Here is the latest piano recital. I hope you enjoy not only the playing but also get a kick out of listening to Hatikvah; the national anthem of Isreal, being played in front of a christmas tree. If you listen closely you can also hear Jena, being ever so quiet, asking over and over for her sticker book. My fault since I told her she could have it after Stef finished playing and I wasn't clear that Stef was playing two pieces.


shelley said...

YEA!!!!!!!! I love this time of year. I am so glad we have these videos when she is playing at Carnagie. Sweet Jenna, quiet until the last note played...then it was time for that book. Love it.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

We loved watching Stefanie's piano recital video. We are so proud of her!
Kitah Aleph

Hannah said...

Oh my goodness! She is so wonderful! I can't believe how much she has progressed since the first time she played! It seems, over the years, Jena and Claire are growing more and more alike each and every day.