We have been busy busy busy at our house. All the Jewish holidays are past and the girls really enjoyed getting dressed up and going to synagogue. They both looked so adorable that no one even noticed I forgot half my clothes and wore the same outfit every day.
School is going well. we had back to school night already and the teachers think Stefanie is just as wonderful as I do, so we should get along fine! She has already impressed them with her reading and she tell me since she is "zooming ahead" with her reading her 'reading buddy' is the teacher. She has a bunch of new friends and was all set to 'break up' with her old friends. We had a long talk about how old friends can be the best friends. Jena is happy to go to the JCC and, except for a tiny biting problem, has done well. the story on the biting is that both times she was defending herself, once after being poked in the eye and once after being pushed on the slide. Not that it makes biting OK but i am glad to hear she wasn't the agressor. the teachers think as her speech gets stronger she won't feel the need to bite.
We went on a apple and pumpkin picking trip this weekend with friends. Alisa ( the Mommy) and I have been friends since we were 9 and we are both thrilled that our girls are the same ages and love to play together. they live by my parents so we try to get together when the girls are at Amah's house. It was just too cute to watch jena and kate walking around the farm holding hands. Enjoy the pictures!