Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Big girl in the Big City

Our good friend Judy took us to New York City for the day to celebrate Stef's birthday (a little late) with lunch at the American Girl Doll Cafe. The doll gets her own seat at the table- what could be more fun?! We took the train in, had lunch, did some shopping and alot of walking before having dinner at a great kosher steakhouse and taking the train back home . It was a long day but Stef handled it all like the trooper she is. Here are some photos of the lunch and the ferris wheel ride inside the toys'r' us.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

the new tooth

stefanie's new tooth is coming in very qucikly. we are too late for a picture of the missing tooth- this is the best we could do-


can you believe how much everyone grew in 6 weeks since you saw us last? here are some pictures of the house and everyone having fun on the swingset and in the tub.

yipee-- we have a HOME AGAIN!

we moved in friday in the pouring rain. everything went well, expect for the usual frustration with comcast cable. I now have cable tv and internet so life is good. the girls are loving the new place. we have been lucky with good weather and they love playing in the backyard. my new neighbors even brought over a plate of cookies. i will try and get some pictures posted soon-